At Orthopedic Associates of Long Island, our team understands how chronic knee problems can impact one’s quality of life. This is why our experts can provide the care patients need, which in some cases, may require knee replacement. There are many reasons why a patient may choose to move forward with knee replacement surgery as a last resort to improve their day-to-day activities without limitation.
What is knee replacement surgery?
Knee replacement surgery is a procedure that is done to restore the function of a knee that has been damaged due to injury or has been negatively affected by a disease such as arthritis. It can be a way of relieving chronic knee pain that it limiting individuals in their daily lives, making if difficult or impossible to participate in certain activities. Knee replacement surgery is much less invasive than it used to be with more traditional surgeries, and can now be performed with an arthroscope.
When should I have knee replacement surgery?
Choosing to have knee replacement surgery is a very person decision. In many cases, the team at Orthopedic Associates of Long Island will first start by exploring non-surgical treatment options that are much more conservative before resorting to surgery. Sometimes, patients will notice improvement in their range of motion and pain levels with treatments such as physical therapy. Others are able to manage discomfort with over-the-counter medications. As a last resort, our team may suggest knee replacement surgery to restore one’s quality of life after arthritis or injury.
Who is a candidate for knee replacement surgery?
Patients in good overall health and wellness who are unable to manage their condition with medications and therapies may find that knee replacement surgery is appropriate for their needs.
Change your life with knee replacement surgery!
If you are in the Long Island area and are considering treatment of knee issues with knee replacement surgery, book an appointment at Orthopedic Associates of Long Island to determine if you are a proper candidate. Our doctors are available to help patients undergo a thorough evaluation and decide if surgery is appropriate. Call (631) 689-6698 to request a consultation appointment with one of our doctors at any of our seven practice locations.