Do You Have Calcified Tendons? Tenjet Can Help!

a person holding his knee with a red marking indicating pain. Your tendons are critical in how your body moves about the world. They connect muscles to bone and keep your muscles safe from impact by acting as shock absorbers. For some people, however, their tendons cannot provide the benefits their bodies need to feel and function at their best. Calcium deposits in the tendons can be problematic, and you think twice about making movements that used to be commonplace. Many treatments are designed to help patients combat calcified tendons, but finding long-term relief can be challenging. The Orthopedic Associates of Long Island can help by providing a ground-breaking solution for calcified joints called Tenjet. Here are a few points on how it works and if it may be the treatment you need to ease discomfort.

What is Tenjet?

You’re not alone if you’ve never heard of Tenjet. Most treatments for calcified tendons involve resting the area and light forms of physical therapy. However, these treatments are only sometimes a permanent solution. Tenjet is a unique, minimally invasive treatment to help clean your tendons and joints and reduce calcium deposits. Rather than relying on traditional surgical instruments to remove calcium, Tenjet utilizes a small needle to deliver a pressurized saline solution to calcified joints and tendons, helping to remove the buildup.

Benefits of Tenjet

Some procedures to remove calcium deposits can be time-consuming and lead to long and painful recoveries. In most cases, Tenjet is a quick procedure, lasting under 30 minutes, allowing you to return home the same day after a brief observation period. Also, other methods of calcium deposit removal can damage healthy tissue as they remove unhealthy tissue. Doctors use a small, image-guided incision to identify and remove only the calcified tissue. The added precision of Tenjet helps keep healthy tissue safe from damage during the de-calcifying process.

Where Can Tenjet Be Applied?

If you’ve experienced pain in your joints and are wondering if calcium is behind it, Tenjet procedures can be employed in the shoulders, knees, elbows, feet, and hands to remove calcium. Its ability to be used in various areas of the body helps make Tenjet a versatile and efficient strategy to remove calcium from tendons and joints. Only some medical providers offer Tenjet as a solution to their joint and tendon issues. Still, the Orthopedic Associates of Long Island is happy to present this innovative treatment for your needs. The first step in finding out of Tenjet is the best treatment for you is to contact our office. Schedule a consultation at one of our 8 locations by calling us today at 631.689.6698.

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