The benefits of having a sports medicine professional by your side!

istock 854593080 Sports medicine is a special field of medicine that deals specifically with the prevention and treatment of injuries related to fitness and sports. Many athletes have a sports medicine professional available to them to seek treatment when problems arise. In addition to helping treat the patient, a sports medicine physician can also educate an athlete on ways to reduce their risk of injury in the future. Certain stretches and exercises can help strengthen areas of the body and ensure protection against problems later on.

What are the benefits of having a sports medicine professional available?

At Orthopedic Associates of Long Island, we strongly advise active individuals who are involved in fitness and sports activities to have a sports medicine professional by their side during their active periods. This is because of the many advantages of sports medicine providers, including:

  • Specialized care focused on injury and injury prevention
  • Enhanced treatment for injuries with fast recovery results
  • Access to cutting-edge treatment options such as regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies
  • Improved athletic performance thanks to tailored training programs and exercises custom-made for patients

What are some common treatments provided by a sports medicine professional?

Depending on the patient’s unique condition, treatment options will vary. However, our team will recommend the most conservative options first before considering more invasive alternatives. Some of the more common treatment solutions include:

  • The RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation
  • Over-the-counter and prescription anti-inflammatory and pain medications
  • Regenerative medicine solutions inducing platelet-rich plasma, or PRP
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises
  • Minimally invasive surgeries
  • Invasive surgeries

The treatment most appropriate for a patient will be determined on their age, the severity of their condition, and recommendations from our sports medicine professionals.

Call Orthopedic Associates of Long Island today!

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of having a sports medicine professional available to you during your period as an athlete, contact our team of professionals to schedule a consultation appointment. With seven locations throughout the Long Island area, patients can seek care wherever is most convenient for their unique needs. Call Orthopedic Associates of Long Island today at (631) 689-6698 to request a visit.

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